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How to register a song on ASCAP, BMI or SOCAN

By Polina Bondarenko

16 May, 2024

So, you've written a fantastic song and now you want to make sure it's protected and set up to earn royalties. In this article, we'll guide you through registering your song with a Performing Rights Organization (PRO), namely ASCAP, BMI, or SOCAN. We'll cover the benefits, the preparation process and walk you through each organization's registration process. Grab your guitar, keyboard, or whatever instrument you used to compose your masterpiece, and let's get started.

Understanding ASCAP, BMI, and SOCAN

Before we delve into the registration process, it's essential to understand what ASCAP, BMI, and SOCAN are and the differences between these PROs. Each organization collects royalties on behalf of songwriters and publishers, so let's learn more about each of them and help you determine which one is right for you.

What is ASCAP?

The American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP) is a membership organization that represents songwriters, composers, and publishers. Founded in 1914, it is the oldest performing rights organization in the United States. ASCAP is known for its diverse array of members, including famous names like Justin Timberlake, Katy Perry, and Kendrick Lamar.

ASCAP has a long history of advocating for the rights of songwriters and composers. In addition to collecting and distributing royalties, ASCAP also provides educational resources for its members. ASCAP's annual "I Create Music" Expo is a popular event that brings together songwriters, composers, and music industry professionals for networking and educational opportunities.

If you're a songwriter or composer in the United States, ASCAP is definitely an organization to consider joining.

What is BMI?

Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI) is another American performing rights organization that has been around since 1939. It represents songwriters, composers, and music publishers much like ASCAP. Some BMI artists include Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, and Ed Sheeran. With over 800,000 members and a reputation for suiting both established and emerging artists, BMI is definitely worth considering.

BMI is also known for its commitment to supporting emerging songwriters and composers. Its "BMI Foundation" provides funding for music education programs and offers awards and scholarships to aspiring musicians. BMI also hosts a variety of showcases and events throughout the year to help its members connect with industry professionals.

If you're looking for an organization that supports emerging artists and provides educational resources, BMI may be the right choice for you.

What is SOCAN?

Finally, the Society of Composers, Authors, and Music Publishers of Canada (SOCAN) is a Canadian PRO representing songwriters, composers, and publishers. Formed in 1990, SOCAN covers a wide range of music genres and has members like Drake, Alessia Cara, and Arcade Fire. If you're a Canadian artist, this is the organization you should consider joining.

SOCAN is committed to ensuring that its members receive fair compensation for their work. In addition to collecting and distributing royalties, SOCAN also provides educational resources and networking opportunities for its members. Its "SOCAN Foundation" offers funding for music education programs and provides awards and scholarships to aspiring Canadian musicians.

Whether you're an established artist or just starting out, SOCAN can provide the support and resources you need to succeed in the Canadian music industry.

The Benefits of Registering Your Song

There are numerous benefits to registering your song with a Performing Rights Organization. First and foremost, registration helps protect your copyright, ensuring that you're properly recognized and compensated for your creative work.

Protecting Your Copyright

By registering your song with a PRO, you're establishing a public record of your copyright ownership. This means that you have the right to control and earn income from your music, while also having the documentation to back it up if legal disputes arise.

Registering your song with a PRO also helps in establishing your ownership and authorship of the song. This can come in handy in case of any legal disputes that may arise in the future. You can easily prove that you are the rightful owner of the song and claim any royalties that come with it.

Collecting Royalties

Every time your song is played on the radio, streamed online, used in a film or TV show, or performed live, you are owed royalties. PROs like ASCAP, BMI, and SOCAN collect these royalties on your behalf and distribute payments accordingly. When you register your song, you gain access to this revenue stream, ensuring that you're paid for your work.

Registering your song with a PRO also ensures that you get paid for your work, no matter where in the world your song is played. PROs have agreements with similar organizations all over the world, which means that you can receive royalties from international performances of your music.

Gaining Exposure and Networking Opportunities

Finally, being part of a PRO can open doors for networking and exposure within the music industry. Through membership, you gain access to workshops, events, and showcases that can help you connect with other songwriters, publishers, and music professionals who may be interested in collaborating with you or giving your music the exposure it deserves.

PROs often hold events and workshops that can help you improve your songwriting skills or learn about the latest trends in the music industry. You can also meet other songwriters and music professionals who may be interested in working with you or promoting your music.

Being a member of a PRO can also help you get your foot in the door in the music industry. PROs often have relationships with music publishers, record labels, and other industry professionals who can help you get your music heard by a wider audience.

In conclusion, registering your song with a Performing Rights Organization is a must for any songwriter who wants to protect their copyright and earn income from their music. Not only does it ensure that you get paid for your work, but it can also open up networking and exposure opportunities that can help take your music career to the next level.

Preparing Your Song for Registration

Now that you know the benefits and have a basic understanding of ASCAP, BMI, and SOCAN, it's time to prepare your song for registration. This process entails finalizing your song, gathering essential information, and choosing the right PRO for you.

Finalizing Your Song

Before registering, make sure your song is complete and polished. If you've recorded multiple versions or have a few different mixes, choose the one you feel best represents your artistic vision. Your song should be professionally mixed, mastered, and edited before registering.

Gathering Necessary Information

Gather all relevant songwriter, composer, and publisher information before starting the registration process. This includes names, contact information, ownership percentages, and other such details. It's crucial to have this ready to avoid delays or errors during registration.

Deciding on a Performing Rights Organization

Weigh the pros and cons of each PRO, including the fees and requirements they have in place, and make your selection. Each has its own offerings, so do your due diligence to find the one that best fits your needs and preferences.

Registering Your Song with ASCAP

Now that your song is prepared, let's go through the steps to register it with ASCAP as an example. The process is quite similar for BMI and SOCAN, but be sure to refer to each organization's specific guidelines and requirements on their respective websites.

Creating an ASCAP Account

First things first, head to the ASCAP website and create an account. You'll need to provide your personal information, including your name, email address, mailing address, and Social Security Number (US citizens) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (non-US citizens). You'll also pay a one-time, non-refundable processing fee to become a member.

Completing the ASCAP Registration Process

Once you've created your account, navigate to the "Works Registration" tab and enter the required details, such as the song title, names of co-writers or contributors, and other pertinent information. Additionally, you'll be asked to submit the song's lyrics and an audio recording. Be sure to double-check all the details before submitting your application.

Tips for a Successful ASCAP Registration

To ensure a successful ASCAP registration, follow these tips: keep track of your login information, confirm that you have the necessary rights to register the song, and respond promptly if there are any issues or questions about your application. With perseverance and patience, you'll soon have your song registered and be on your way to collecting royalties and gaining exposure.

In conclusion, registering your song with a Performing Rights Organization like ASCAP, BMI, or SOCAN is an essential step in the process of becoming a successful songwriter or composer. By following the guidelines laid out in this article and investing time and effort into the process, you will safeguard your work, open the door to royalties, and set the stage for a bright and fruitful musical future.

Written byPolina Bondarenko

Lina Cooper is a young up and coming pop songwriter, artist, producer, a graduate of Berklee College, a self-proclaimed Yellow Manic Pixie Dream Girl and a Ukrainian native currently residing in LA.