
How to track your sales and streams on Spotify

By Polina Bondarenko

08 May, 2024

As an artist, understanding how your music performs on streaming platforms is essential for growth and defining your fan base. In this article, we will explore how to track your sales and streams on Spotify, making use of their analytics tools and setting up a Spotify for Artists account. We'll guide you through the creation, verification, and navigation of your account and discuss how to interpret analytics data. Let's jump right in!

Understanding Spotify Analytics

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of tracking your performance on Spotify, it's essential to know what Spotify Analytics are and why they matter. In the following sections, we will define Spotify Analytics and discuss their importance for artists.

What are Spotify Analytics?

Spotify Analytics is a powerful tool provided by Spotify to help artists and their teams access detailed streaming data, analyze their audience demographics, and track their growth over time. These analytics can provide invaluable insights into your fan base and help you create informed strategies for future releases and promotion.

For instance, you can use Spotify Analytics to track the number of streams your songs get on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You can also analyze the geographic location of your listeners, their age, gender, and other demographic data. This information can help you identify your target audience and tailor your music to their preferences.

Spotify Analytics also allows you to see which playlists your songs are being added to and how many times they are being shared. This can help you identify the curators who are featuring your music and reach out to them to build a relationship. You can also use this information to create your own playlists and add your songs to them.

Why are Spotify Analytics important?

Spotify Analytics are crucial for several reasons. First, they allow artists to understand how their music reaches listeners and identify trends over time. This helps with promotional campaigns, creating targeted playlists, and connecting with fans in meaningful ways.

For example, if you notice that your music is getting more streams in a particular country, you can plan a tour there or collaborate with local artists to expand your reach. You can also use Spotify Analytics to identify the most popular songs on your album and release them as singles to maximize their exposure.

Furthermore, analytics can help artists recognize the streaming platform's impact on their revenue and make data-driven decisions to sustain and grow their careers. By analyzing the number of streams, you can estimate your earnings from Spotify and plan your budget accordingly. You can also use this data to negotiate better deals with record labels and distributors.

In conclusion, Spotify Analytics is a powerful tool that can help artists gain insights into their fan base, track their performance, and make data-driven decisions. By leveraging this tool, you can create informed strategies, connect with your fans, and sustain your career in the competitive music industry.

Setting up your Spotify for Artists account

Now that we've emphasized the importance of Spotify Analytics, let's get started with setting up your Spotify for Artists account. This is your central hub where you'll access analytics, manage your artist profile, and more.

Creating a Spotify for Artists account

To start, head over to the Spotify for Artists website and click "Claim Your Profile." You'll need to sign in or create a Spotify account if you don't have one already. Once logged in, follow the on-screen prompts to claim your artist profile. This may involve searching for your artist name and selecting it from the list or inputting your artist URI if you know it.

Alternatively, if your music is distributed through a label or aggregator, they can set up your Spotify for Artists account on your behalf. Ensure they've done this by following up with your label or aggregator contact.

Verifying your account

Once you've claimed your profile, Spotify will review your submission for verification. This process can take several days, so be patient. Upon approval, you'll receive an email, and your account will gain a blue verification badge. The badge appears on your artist profile, signaling to fans and the industry that you are the legitimate account holder.

Navigating the Spotify for Artists dashboard

After receiving your verification email, head back to the Spotify for Artists website and log in to your account. Here, you'll find your dashboard, which displays an overview of your latest release, recent streams, listeners, and more.

The dashboard also features tabs for "Music," "Audience," "Catalog," and "Profile." These sections provide access to detailed analytics and controls for managing your artist profile, including adding playlists, updating your bio, and choosing your featured song. Familiarize yourself with these sections to make the most out of your Spotify for Artists account.

Analyzing your Spotify streaming data

Now that your Spotify for Artists account is up and running let's dive into the streaming data available to you through the platform.

Overview of streaming data

Upon navigating to the "Audience" tab, you'll find detailed streaming data presented in various formats, including graphs, maps, and charts. The analytics cover various timeframes and metrics such as total listeners, streams, and listener demographics.

Interpreting daily and monthly listeners

Daily and monthly listeners are important indicators of your music's reach and engagement. By tracking these numbers, you can identify patterns relating to new releases, promotional efforts, and general listener behavior. Monitor these figures consistently to make more informed decisions and improve your overall performance on Spotify.

Analyzing your top songs and playlists

The "Music" tab provides insights into your top songs and playlists. This section displays both recent and all-time performance, helping you identify your most popular tracks and the playlists driving the most streams. Utilize this information to curate your playlists and target your promotional efforts effectively.

Understanding audience demographics

Demographics such as age, gender, and location can be valuable when it comes to marketing and targeting promotions. Spotify Analytics offers in-depth demographic data within the "Audience" tab, including a map that highlights popular cities and countries where your music is being streamed. Leverage this data to target specific markets and tailor your social media and marketing strategies accordingly.

Tracking your sales on Spotify

Now that we've covered streaming data, it's time to tackle another critical aspect of your digital performance - sales. Let's look at how Spotify calculates royalties and how you can access and analyze your sales reports.

How Spotify calculates royalties

Spotify rewards rightsholders with royalties based on the proportion of monthly streams. The streaming platform takes its total monthly revenue to calculate the payout per stream. Then, they multiply the per-stream payout amount by the number of streams achieved by a particular track. Finally, the royalties are distributed to the rightsholders, such as record labels, publishers, or aggregators, who then pay the artists accordingly.

Accessing your sales reports

Spotify doesn't provide sales reports directly to artists. Instead, you should receive payment and royalty information from your distributor, such as Releese, record label, or aggregator. Some services even offer their own analytics dashboard to help you visualize and interpret your sales data. Make sure you're registered with one of these entities to receive and access your royalty reports.

Analyzing your sales data

Once you have access to your sales reports, invest time analyzing this data. Keep track of your earnings, identify trends across different regions and platforms, and understand which releases perform better than others. Use this information to refine your marketing and promotion strategies, ultimately growing your fan base and sustaining your career.

In conclusion, tracking your sales and streams on Spotify is an essential part of any artist's career in today's digital music landscape. By effectively utilizing Spotify Analytics and managing your Spotify for Artists account, you can make more informed decisions, increase your exposure, and ultimately achieve greater success in the industry.

Written byPolina Bondarenko

Lina Cooper is a young up and coming pop songwriter, artist, producer, a graduate of Berklee College, a self-proclaimed Yellow Manic Pixie Dream Girl and a Ukrainian native currently residing in LA.